
Data protection made simple.

Hosting of free and open source services. By users for users.
Right to Privacy

The ability to choose which personal data you you want to share and which not.

Safe Alternatives

Watch Youtube without Youtube - that is possible, using alternative frontends. Or switch directly to free and open platforms platforms.


Simple, good and future-oriented toast with Quantum technology.

What is QuantenToast?

Free (libre) Services

We run free and open source services that help protect your privacy.

Servers in Germany

We use both a German server provider with ISO 27001 certified data centers, as well as private bare metal hardware.

Primarily German, but English as well

Our pages are mainly designed for the german community, but everyone is welcome.

Base image by rawpixel.com on Freepik

Public OpenTalk Rooms

Those who do not wish to register can use the following three public rooms. Certain functions like screen sharing are unfortunately not available in these rooms.

Help others Bypass Censorship!

Help other people access the Internet safely with Snowflake. To temporarily share your connection with others, press the button to load Snowflake. Then activate the switch and keep this browser tab open. As soon as you close it, everything is automatically gone again.

Oder füge es als Browsererweiterung in Firefox oder Chrome hinzu!


Wishes and suggestions for improvement are welcome. Get in touch with us!